Source: Toronto Public Health
By Hedy Korbee
Update: Toronto Public Health updated the map initially published Wednesday afternoon, citing a “technical issue”. The newer map has slightly different numbers and also clarifies that the cases are cumulative. The story has been edited accordingly.
Birchcliffe-Cliffside has had 112 cumulative cases of COVID-19 according to Toronto Public Health, which unveiled geographic data on the pandemic for the first time on Wednesday.
Medical Officer of Health, Eileen de Villa, announced the release of an interactive COVID-19 neighbourhood map at the city’s regular news briefing with Mayor John Tory.
The map reflects where people live and does not necessarily indicate where they were exposed to the virus, according to de Villa.
“Looking at a map of cases, people may mistakenly believe that there is an elevated risk of infection by going to certain parts of the city,” de Villa said. “This, in turn, contributes to misinformation and unintended stigma. We all have a shared responsibility not to create unnecessary social, physical, or other harm in our community.
Outbreaks at two long-term care homes
The map does not break down how many active COVID cases are in long-term care homes versus the general population, but it appears that the vast majority of local cases are in care homes.
The Ontario government keeps a list of long-term care facilities with active outbreaks and two facilities in Birchcliffe-Cliffside are on the list.
Midland Gardens Care Community at 130 Midland Avenue, south of Kingston Rd., has had 67 confirmed resident cases and 22 confirmed staff cases. Sixteen people have died at Midland Gardens.
Craiglee Nursing home at 102 Craiglee Dr., near the intersection of Kingston Rd. and Sharpe St., has hadfewer than five confirmed resident cases and 5 confirmed staff cases.
It appears those two long-term care facilities would account for 97 of the 112 cases in Birchcliffe-Cliffside.
Ward 20 City Councillor Gary Crawford said it’s tragic that these cases are happening so close to home.
“It’s is concerning to hear those kinds of numbers in our community. But I think it indicates the seriousness of this virus and how it could potentially spread and more specifically in long-term care homes,” Crawford said. “What we now have to do is review our long-term care homes and how they’re run, which the provincial government has indicated they will be doing.”
The map indicates the per capita infection rate in Birchcliffe-Cliffside is 502 cases per 100,000 people.
There are 12 cases in The Beach, which equals 56 cases per 100,000 population. Oakridge has 41 cases with a per capita rate of 289 cases per 100,000 population. Cliffcrest has 35 cases for a per capita rate of 220. East End Danforth has 16 cases, with a rate of 7 cases per 100,000 population. It’s no known how many long-term care homes are in those neighbourhoods.
The neighbourhoods with the highest number of positive coronavirus cases are located in north Scarborough and north Etobicoke